“Silver Leaf” Tahini

Silver Leaf Tahini

“Silver Leaf” Tahini

Silver Leaf Tahini 2Silver Leaf Tahini


Tahini is a smooth paste of sesamseeds. It is grid from the whole seed and has high contents of vitamins (mainly B1, B2 and B6) as well as high contents of minerals like Iron, Magnesium and Calcium. Tahini can be made both out of the whole unpeeled or the peeled sesam seed. The Tahini of unpeeled sesam seeds is slightly more bitter in taste but contains also more vitamins and minerals. Tahini of peeled sesam is brighter in colour and less bitter. Tahini goes very well with honey on bread for example or can be made as dip with lemonjuice and garlic. Also it is used for the preparation of humus, with chick-pea.






  • Category:
  • Date: October 14, 2016
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